Celebrating 1 Million Working Hours Without A Lost Time Incident!
At Hanley Calibration, we believe that a safe workplace is fundamental to our success and well-being. This year, we are proud to announce that we have marked 1 Million hours worked since our last LTI (Lost Time Injury). This accomplishment is a major milestone for us, it is a testament to the effectiveness of our […]

European Safety Week – Day 5 – Gaskets
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting health and safety during European Safety Week, for the final day we are putting the spotlight on Working Safely with Gaskets. Gaskets play a vital role in many industries, serving as essential components in equipment to prevent leaks and maintain pressure. However, improper handling, installation, or maintenance […]

European Safety Week – Day 4 – Working from Heights
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting health and safety during European Safety Week, today we’re putting the spotlight on Working from Heights. Whether it is using ladders, scaffolding, or elevated platforms, working at heights comes with a unique set of risks, and falls are among the leading causes of serious workplace injuries. The Importance of […]

European Safety Week Day 3 – Clamp Safety
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting health and safety during European Safety Week, today we’re putting the spotlight on Clamp Safety. Clamps are essential tools across many industries, used to hold materials in place for tasks. However, like all tools, improper use can lead to accidents and injuries. That’s why understanding clamp safety is crucial […]

European Safety Week – Day 2 – Chemical Safety
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting health and safety during European Safety Week, today we’re putting the spotlight on Chemical Safety. Chemicals are an essential part of many industries, but they also come with risks that should never be overlooked. Without proper precautions, exposure to hazardous substances can result in long-term health issues, […]

European Safety Week – Day 1 – Workplace Noise Hazards
This week is European Safety Week! This year’s focus is on raising awareness of various safety issues in the workplace, and today, we are starting off with one of the most overlooked hazards – Workplace Noise Why is Workplace Noise a Hazard? Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to serious health problems. […]

The Food Pyramid – A Guide To Healthy Eating
Eating healthily is fundamental to our overall well-being. In Ireland, the food pyramid serves as a practical guide to help us make balanced dietary choices. Let’s take a look at what the food pyramid is, its components, and how it can guide us towards making healthier eating choices. What is the Food Pyramid? The […]

Driver Safety
At Hanley, we ensure that all of our employees are aware of the dangers involved with mobile phone usage behind the wheel. In order to assist and educate our workforce and our customers we will be providing regular driver safety updates and campaigns to help improve road safety safety across all sites. Driver safety might […]